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Friday, July 2, 2010

Simple Sunday in the Country...

We went to visit my in-laws this weekend. We had a wonderful time although we didn't quite stick to schedule. Our first stop was the wedding of a dear friend's son. What a cute couple! Hard to believe all these "kids" are growing up and getting married! What's happening with the world???

Anyhoo, maybe I'll blog about the wedding another time. This one is for my mother-in-law. She has such a fantastic green thumb! She loves flowers and all sorts of pretty little things. Her home houses a plethora of fun tidbits to admire and photograph both inside and out. Her garden is one of the most lovely anywhere and her talent for nurturing nature is very evident at every corner and bend. Trees dripping in English Ivy, roses a bloom amidst a bounty of bokeh, the gorgeous angelic statue tucked away safely under the archway. So many lovelies that I can never take it all in during one trip, always leaving me with a desire to return and discover what else lies in wait for me there.

This time I had determined to get up EARLY and take advantage of the morning's golden hour and the lack of heat. The minute she started making breakfast, I was toast. She made us a wonderful meal of home cooked sausage, scrambled eggs (mama style) and buttered, skillet bread. Orange juice of course rounded everything out and it took most of the morning to even get up out of my chair to investigate the realm of gorgeousness. I knew I had to though. I couldn't let this moment slip by. We don't get out there as often as we like or should. Roses were in bloom and I had a nifty fifty just itching to get out of the bag!

I wasn't disappointed! I could have wandered out there all day. The 100+ temps cautioned me otherwise, so a few hours had to do. I found quaint bird houses, tiger lilies, lantana, roses, wind chimes and FENCES! One of my most favorite things to capture :)

This little spot was nestled between property lines and actually helped corral several stunning horses. All of whom decided it was much too hot to venture out from underneath the shade, that just so happened to be clear across on the opposite side of the pasture. They were some what curious of me but I'm certain they were merely wondering what kind of one-eyed idiot is that over there in the heat, squatting and staring at the weeds!?! I'm sure I was good entertainment for them.

In spite of the brittle, dry grasses, I found this bit of purple thistle, still in color and begging to make one last stand before fading away into a dry puff of cottony seed. I, of course, had to oblige! So here she is, gracing the fence, showing her beauty to any and all who choose. What a wonderful, simple Sunday in the country. I am so blessed!

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