These two simple items may not drum up the word "hope" for you but for some, they are the pure essence of it.
My Friday's consist of several things. Getting up at the crack of dawn, well, shortly there after (this is a miracle for those that truly know me). Getting two children dressed, fed, lunches made, books together, water bottles filled, myself dressed, hopefully fed and out the door. We are part of a home school group called "HEART Club", Home Educators Activities for Righteous Training. It is full of wonderful women that love the Lord and allow Him to use them anyway He can.
HEART Club consists of multiple hours in which we have PE, two class hours and now an optional "outdoor" class, graciously offered by the place sponsoring us this year, Camp Peniel. It's a wonderful Christian camp in a BEAUTIFUL location in the hill country. It's farther away from home (meaning I have to rise and shine much earlier) but sooo worth it. It was by God's design and purpose we had to change locations. I complained inwardly at first, I mean let's be honest, who wants to get up that early?!? But now.... NO complaints outta this momma!
One of the things that was introduced last year was a class for the moms :) Normally we are in a room, either as the teacher or a helper. Now during one of the class hours we get the chance to be edified and blessed. This Friday was no exception.
It can get heavy sometimes. We mom's carry many loads and it's wonderful to have someone come along side you and offer aide. This class is exactly that. Individual women, same heart, sharing Jesus and carrying each others burdens.
This particular Friday was going to be a light-hearted time. We played the "Un-game". It's not a competition, just answering questions and learning about one another. One of the ladies read her question and in thinking and hearing her response, I knew immediately I had to blog about this. Her question read, "I know God loves me because_________________." As she answered each woman around the circle was able to share as well. One sweet friend mentioned something that I'm sure many of us have experienced but must continually be reminded of.
There was a time in this woman's life where things were so difficult that they couldn't afford groceries. It's a hard place to be. A very humbling place to be. She loved artichoke hearts and spotted them on the grocery aisle shelf. She was with her mother-in-law (who was lovingly purchasing groceries for them) when she stopped and made a profound statement. "One day, my pantry will be full of those little jars." We all know, when you can't buy milk, eggs and bread, you DON'T purchase luxury items like artichoke hearts.
The next day she came home to find a bag of groceries on the kitchen table. Within the contents of that package, she discovered a jar of these delicacies. She questioned her husband about the possibility of her mother-in-law having dropped them off. He stated that someone from the church had brought the bag by and left it for them. God gave her a glimpse of hope. A moment in time where He reached down, put His arms around her and said, "I love you, and I care about you more than you know". It's those moments when we realize that if He cares enough to give us a jar of artichoke hearts, why would He not care about the bigger things?
For some of us, it's artichoke hearts, for some it's the $5 you find at the bottom of an old purse. For some, it's finding a pair of cute little red shoes that fit like a glove after searching and searching and not being able to find a single pair anywhere. It's also when you find those cute little red shoes at a thrift store for only $2 and then remember that you have a credit at said store and they are yours... free of charge.
"If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"
Luke 11:13
Cute shoes, great story!