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Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Snippet :)

I don't have much time and I'll be gone a lot tomorrow so the Miracle Vacation will have to wait.  Again.  BUT!  I can, maybe, give you a snippet of one of the "before" moments.

In our immediate family, for Christmas, we have a unique tradition.  It's was formed out of necessity but cherished every year.  A true blessing from God.  Created through tragedy but turned to joy by the gentlest touch of His hand.  We trade names.  Yes, Greg, myself and the kids all trade names.  We don't spends hundreds of dollars on gifts, we just don't really have it to give.  We have a $15 dollar budget.  This is for one bought gift and one homemade gift.

Greg got Andrew this year and the homemade gift is always a challenge to come up with.  This is Emily's idea, it was FABULOUS!!!  She got rocks from outside and painted them for my brother and his family.  She suggested that Greg paint one for Andrew and Hannah decided to join in :)

They all did a beautiful job!  Andrew was thrilled with the "skater scape" :).  My brother and his family were truly touched and Hannah's depiction of the crucifixion is a true treasure. (Don't mind the Pringles can, lol.... it's just our brush container :)


  1. What a cool idea! We no longer give homemade gifts outside our own family because they were not appreciated. And now, with the nest emptying, we've had to make other Christmas arrangements to fit within everyone's budget. But this is a meaningful tradition that I wish we'd stumbled on earlier.

  2. Thanks Esther. You know, never too late to start ;) Especially with a growing family!
