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Monday, April 25, 2011

Kiss n' Tell: Adding a little light....

One of the things I want to do is utilize back lighting.  In order to not blow out my highlights (which you can tell in the example below was a MAJOR "my bad" moment) I will have to learn more about fill-in.  I'm going to make myself a diffuser (more on that later), play around with it and see how things go.

As a self-taught photographer, I learn by trying... then trying again, and again, and again, well you get the picture (sheesh that was bad!).  Until I can perfect this, I will have to spend the time adjusting things in post production.  I've discovered a secret....  again, PSE9 and actions (specifically Paint the Moon) came to my rescue!

One day I'll be the ninja master of my camera, light and all that encompasses photography.  Of course, then it will all change and I'll have to learn even more, haha!  Truth be told, the challenge to learn new techniques, new processes, etc..... kinda drives me so no complaints here :D

(SOOC means "straight out of camera" and KISSED.... well, that's my special little term for "after" lol!)

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