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Friday, February 3, 2012

Falling Rocks and Other Freak Accidents...

Here I sit... jaw dropped, stunned, and in silence.  Frozen, dibilitated, humiliated, crushed, saddened, dumb-struck, broken, grieved and disheartened with a single tear, finding its way down my flaming red cheeks, swiftly to be followed by many, MANY more.

What happened?  Why the drama?  Why the extreme emotion?  Why the exorbitant use of adjectives?  My big reveal.... put on hold.  Why?  Due to technical difficulties and completely unforseen circumstances, my reveal... is officially remanded until future notice.

One little thing, just one eentsy, weentsy, teensy little thing...  Something, that I had no way of knowing could happen, just did and it has turned my entire world upside down. I wish there had been one of those "WATCH FOR FALLING ROCKS" signs, cuz I just got crushed by a BIG one!

I know that life continues and tomorrow is a new day.  I can start fresh, I know this.  God is good and incredibly faithful.  I know He has promised good out of all of it.  And honestly, I just CAN'T wait to find out what it is!

Oh ya, any prayers you may offer up, gratefully accepted!



  1. Oh no! I was waiting for the big reveal so I'll continue to wait. Can't wait to see what it is...all will be well!

  2. I am sorry. Hope everything works out.
