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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Marble Falls, TX: Junior ~ Senior Prom, 2011

So last Saturday was PROM!!!

We had such a wonderful time with all our preparations :)  Lynda at Head Games did a FABULOUS job on Hannah's hair and Holly Phillips is a rockin' Mary Kay friend that came over and gave all us girls a GORGEOUS makeover :)  The little girls got such a kick out of that!  Fun, fun, fun!!!!!

Some of you may not know this, but Hannah is one of God's very own miracles!  She came down with the chicken pox only a week before.  BAD case!  Pretty darn serious.  All in her mouth, throat, lungs (yes lungs!) covered from head to toe, BAD!  If we hadn't gotten her on the antiviral immediately, she very well could have ended up in the hospital :(  Even with the antiviral though, our doctor pretty seriously expressed that it would take a miracle for her to be scabbed over and not contagious in time for prom, a week from that Saturday.  She was done by WEDNESDAY!!!!!!  What a thrill!  God answered our prayers and she doesn't have to worry about getting them later when they could be even worse!

We've had prom on the brain for months and now it finally came to fruition :)  In fact, while I was setting up the photos in my head.... how I wanted to pose them, where I wanted to take the pictures, the story I was going to tell through the images, it dawned on me that it was eerily similar to what a wedding would be like.  The detail shots of makeup, hair, shoes, dress, flowers, wanting to get a first look, a picture of them driving away.... that did it!  My brain started going 90 to nothing real fast.  I've been dealing with a whole ton of emotions with her almost graduating, dating, etc.  SO!  The rest of this blog, was born and written the day I planned the photos.  It's my heart, just written a little early.  And sorta kinda created as a "fictional" story of sorts with a tad of embellishment for emphasis, lol!  So, Austin and the rest of the Sellers crew, don't panic if you read this, haha!

PROM and the musings of the MOM~

Hannah, my precious Hannah.  So grown up.  Sweet Sixteen and heading to her junior prom.  Oh Lord, how did this happen so fast?  It seems just yesterday I was standing outside in my slippers, as she, a timid 6yr old, found her way around that very same corner, heading to the bus stop.  My baby is growing up, Lord.  Please slow down time.  Give me more.  Next year, senior.  Then college.  Lord, my heart is getting squeezed again.  I don't think I like it very much.

My little girl, so beautiful.  So breathtaking!  Stunningly dressed, putting Cinderella to shame, being escorted to the Black & White Ball.  A precious young man at her side.  Leading her down the road, around the bend, to a magical evening....

Her wave goodbye, as they drove away, brought forth the blast of a sudden, "grab your heart before it beats right out of your chest", vision.

Life...  in fast forward....

A strong, yet gentle, adoring and dapper young man at the wheel.  Leading a beautiful young woman, dressed in flowing white, a sequined up-do with a joy-filled smile on her beaming face.  The light glints off the diamond, placed on the hand that is now delicately waving goodbye.  She leans through the window, tendrils of hair whipping around, laughing and giggling, gracing us with one last, pageant wave.

I glance down, trying desperately to absorb the moisture burning my eyes.  Wishing the tears away, I immediately force my gaze upward again, desperately seeking one last glance of my baby before I have to officially call her a woman.  What greets me as her hand disappears back through the window?  The words, "Just Married," scrawled in punctuated white letters and the clanging of cans jumbling down the road announcing her final departure around the bend.  And then she's gone.

Can it be?  Wasn't it just yesterday she was placed in my arms?  Now I have to give her into the arms of another?  Will he cherish her as we have?  Will she forever be his first priority?  Will he love her unconditionally as Christ calls him too?  Will he lead her in the way God calls?  Will he wash her in the Word?  Will he die to himself for the love of his wife?

I can't stay here.  I can't do this.  I have to move forward as well.  A new path, a new blessing.  Another son :)  And dare I say.... gran.... NOPE!  Not gonna go there, not now, not this time.  ;)

I call myself back to reality.  "It's only prom," I say as I cross over the threshold and click the door in place behind me.  "She'll be back by 1:00."