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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bi-polar-ness, Texas at It's Best!

I sit here, on a bitterly cold, drizzly, cloudy day having just driven home from church with sleet (or "snow" as we frozen-fluff starved Texans like to call it) hitting our windshield.  Yep, we have a cold front.  Funny enough, the other FEW snow times we've had seem to pop up right around Valentine's Day.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE spring here, when we get enough moisture and I think we have this year.  The one thing I'm praying for though... just one pretty snow.  I want snow!  The last time we had a glimmer of it, no sooner did we finish school and grab the camera to go play in the minuscule amount, it turned to rain and dissolved all happiness that day.

It amazes me that just yesterday we had a sunshine wrapped, crisp air kind of day, and today, freezing cold and drizzly.  Texas may be bipolar where her weather is concerned but at least she does it with a "spring" in her step ;)

(P.S.  The Reveal, I'm excited to say, is still coming :)  Just later than I had planned, lol!)


  1. We've had an extremely mild winter here. Barely any snow. My boys are bummed. A TON of rain, though. Hopefully that will give us a photogenic spring. :)
