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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Techno Babe ;)

Ok, so I'm totally trying to become a techno babe of sorts :) I'm revamping my website (sooooo overdue!), made-over my blog (FUN!!!!), twittered, created some google thingy and I'm pooped! Who says an old dog can't learn new tricks? I even created my very own favicon (above)!!! I never even knew what that was until tonight, lol!!!!


  1. You must be superwoman! How ever do you find the time to learn and do all the things you do??? You are on the fast track to being a modern day Proverbs 31 woman.

    I stand amazed and inspired cuz I am an older dog than you who could stand to learn a few new tricks.

  2. Necessity drives education I guess ;) Sometimes I wonder what's next. I never would have dreamed I'd be sticking my nose into all this stuff, lol!!!! I have to admit, I sorta like the challenge (for the most part, teehee!) It's when my brain gets stuck that I feel like screaming, stomping around like a child who wants a toy from the store, and quitting! Unfortunately, this happens more often than I care to admit :O

  3. Good job. I love being a "techno babe"! :)
